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Reintroduce the Climbing Skill


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I would love to see a mod that reintroduces the climbing skill to Skyrim.

Make it so whenever you can't move in a direction any further, due to an object blocking it, that you will start to climb the object (but lose stamina while doing so). When you run out of stamina you will fall down.


My thoughts on how to do this, or at least a basic version until a better version can be discovered, is to basically use a mod like the levitate mods that allows for better Y-axis travel. When you try and move in a direction but are stopped by a wall, stone, etc. it will cast this "levitate"/climb spell on you for a second or two (costs stamina) which allows you to move up. Eventually you will scale the mountain.


The issue is getting it to cast in the first place and only when it should.

Edited by ShadowDestroyerOfTime
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