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Crashing with mods


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My game is crashing with mods on. I think it's because of the order I have them in. Sometimes it crashes immediately and sometimes after a few minutes of playing. Here is the order my mods are in according to the nexus mod manager...


















Homemaker - Streetlights Use Passive Power.esp


Build High - Expanded Settlements.esp

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If only there was a tool or a set of tools that let you figure out what is wrong...


If you fool around with a lot of big workshop mods it is strongly advised that you read and use the beginners guide on top of the troubleshoot section. It seems daunting at first, but it actually only takes about 15 minutes to learn how to use Loot>Wrye>FoEdit, and you will thank yourself when your are playing with NO crashes at all.


But you are not gonna do that, are you?



So let's try and salvage it here and now.


1. Find out if you are missing patches for any of your workshop items.

All of your workshop mods are BIG, and are most likely in need of patches to make them work together. >Go to your workshops assets download section and look for patches.


1B. Find out if you are missing masters. (Mods you need to have in order for some other mod to work.)


2. I think OCD is a script injected mod( not necessarily a bad thing), so if you are missing menus that is most likely the culprit. > find something called "universal menu fixer" here on nexus> Use it.


3. Spring cleaning basically functions by undoing what makes the game run acceptable stable. You can use this mod if you have a very strong pc and still don't mind f*#@ery in the downtown area, but else i strongly advise against using it.

You are probably gonna be back here at some point asking why your game is stuttering or giving you 20 fps. "Spring cleaning" is no such thing, more like "Spring messing" as you basically unpack everything onto a big pile on the floor.


4. If you insist on continued use of "spring Cleaning try placing it at the bottom AFTER you checked for patches for you other mods. There are other less intrusive mods for cleaning, you should look around for an alternative that does not require you to turn off your combined objects.

Edited by Arneercool
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Thank you for your sarcastic help. I did read the beginner's guide but assumed i just had my order wrong and figured i'd ask before trying to do other things. I will go and fully read the beginner's guide. Oh and by the way I'm new with mods and I've seen plenty of posts asking about their order and those people didn't get snotty answers. All you had to say was "Go read the beginner's guide". But like i said, Thanks.

Edited by Dingbat79
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Oh, i'm not being sarcastic, i was only referring to what i did myself, not 10 months ago.


Guides are like those annoying instructions you get with your new Ikea furniture, who needs them, ammirite?


I too tried too wing it at the beginning, that was a mistake.


I DO hope you get everything up and running as intended, and if i'm around in the forums i will try to help, just ask.

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I do not see the unofficial patch in your load order ... I do recommend to run LOOT at least once and after that, place mods in your load order according to the author' suggestions and stick to what they say.



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I do have the unofficial patch in my order now but it didn't help either. I started a new game and the all of the mods work just fine except for SKE which a lot of the menus are blank. They say what the items are but they don't show up and are not able to be placed. I've looked this problem up and have seen several ways to fix it but I'm not sure which one actually works. I also don't want to lose my first game as I've beat the game and have too many hours to lose it.


EDIT: I should also mention the new game does not crash.

Edited by Dingbat79
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check your save with Fallrim Tools

get wrye bash/flash and FO4Edit and follow the guide for sorting masters.

make a bashed patch in wrye bash and see how that goes.


if it still crashes, try removing the spring cleaning mods (you will need to rebuild the bashed patch after doing this)


out of curiosity, do you need SKE?

it also hasn't been updated for a long time.

I don't think any mod requires it any more as most add their menus with scripts.

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