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How do I categorize my weapon mods for my super sledge remake?

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So I've been working on a remake of the FO3 Super Sledge for a while now, and I've managed to get the models working correctly in-game. However I'm running into problems when it comes to making sure the attachments I've made for the sledge show up in their respective categories.


I've organized the attachments for the super sledge into Hammerheads, Grips and Melee Mods. I have roughly 11 attachments in total made, but only a handful of them even show up in the crafting menu for the sledge, and on top of that the sledge doesn't spawn with a head mesh attached, only the handle.


Here pictures of my work so far. My goal basically is to be able to equip multiple attachments at the same time, like how vanilla guns can have scopes, magazines, grips, stocks and muzzle mods all attached together.


Super Sledge in-game.



The Super Sledge's crafting menu in-game. None of the grips or hammerhead mods show up on it, only attachments with ap_meleemod assigned.



Super Sledge Object Window.



Super Sledge Grip Mods (They all have the AP_MeleeModGrip attach point assigned to them)



Super Sledge Hammerhead Mods (They all have the AP_MeleeModHammerhead attach point assigned to them.)



NIF files for the sledge's meshes.




Essentially I'd like to know what I can do here. Because if I assign everything to the basic ap_meleemod keyword, than I can only equip one mod at a time on the sledge. But I'm not sure how to get the mods to show up on the sledge's menu otherwise.


Would really like some help figuring this out.

Edited by flipdark95
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It's all in the keywords. You have one keyword for the workbench to use. Another for the category. From there, you need keywords to identify which parts belong to what weapon.


Edit: I'm not at my computer right now, or I'd give you more explicit examples. Perhaps tomorrow, if you haven't already discovered your solution.

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Cheers man, I'm getting some help on the side with this but having explicit examples would really help me understand the problem.

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shavkacagarikia had an awesome how-to a while back,

on various kinds of pathing errors, and linked to the Wiki and bethnet tutes on it.


I think there's 2 missing enabled keywords,

which then set your limit for parts slots for the weapon.

hopefully, they'll chime in, as I'm woefully lame at FO4 ModFu hehe.


that said, I am looking forward to adding this super-sledge, as they were supposed to be,

to my mod weapon lineup. and, canabalizing the heck out of them with any mod any weapon hehe.

I will be putting the shishkebab, stunning-electrified ripper, and 'pickmans blade' on this.

it will be horrific.

I'm thinking it'll do ~380dmg per hit, 35% chance of stun for 5 seconds, bleed damage 75,

electrical ~200 per hit.


I'll probably also attach shivs on it for a novelty one, thanks to shivs of the wasteland.

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Here you go. Because Nexus is being a pain in the ass, and not allowing me to use links to my google drive shared folder, I'm posting these as separate posts. These shots are taken from Tumbajamba's XM73 Gauss Rifle. He only adds one weapon plus all its mods. So it would be a good example for you to study.
This one is from the constructable object.

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Always remember, keywords are key. (Pun acknowledged and not deliberate.) Many things in FO4 cannot work without the proper keywords. I didn't even get into instance naming rule keywords. Those are fun for dynamic naming. You can look to Valdacil's work for examples of that.

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