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REAL Tavern for Skyrim...?


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Wouldn't it be nice to have a mod that puts into Skyrim a tavern that, once entered, would put you into a place with other Skyrim players who are online and have entered said tavern?


Instead of NPCs inside the tavern, you would meet other Skyrim players who have the same mod and happen to be inside. Of course, upon exiting, everyone returns to their own individual game, but still...


Just a thought....

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That's a really complicated process. The amount of coding and scripting involved would be lag-tastic. Scanning an entire network of players to see whose mod setup is similar enough to avoid issues...it's possible, but...improbable.

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Indeed; both difficult to create AND with a number of issues.


The biggest issue would be mod-friendly outfits, but if you could default on modded clothing to generic Mage/Thief/Fighter outfits based on skill preferences for those using non-standard outfits, it might work.


Then you'd have to limit the number of people capable to be within the Skytavern (say 15-20 players) before a new association instance would launch...


Yeah, there is a reason this has not been done yet...but if someone did.... ;)

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