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FO4 CTD on loading with mods installed, mods uninstalled game runs great


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Brand new to pc gaming but I spent some time researching mods before installing so I'm not completely ignorant. Just mostly :smile:

The situation:

built a new pc (G4560, 16GB 3733 mhz ram, Asus strix 1060 6gb) , installed win 10 (home not pro), steam, fallout 4, NMM, LOOT, etc.

The game runs great in vanilla. Followed Gophers tutorials meticulously on installing F4SE. Game runs from F4SE launcher no problem. Followed another install vid on FO4 configuration tool (installed on desktop, not as launcher, wasn't sure if it would conflict with F4SE launcher) game runs with it no problem. Back to Gopher for Shadow boost install. I believe it is running fine, but my test character is still in the vault and I can't get the game to budge from 60 fps so I'm not entirely sure, but I think it is.

Here's where it goes sideways... foolishly I got cocky and downloaded/installed (with NMM) Awkcr, Unofficial FO4 Patch, Full dialog interface, FAR, insignificant object remover and optimized vanilla textures back to back without running the game to be sure they are functioning properly. Now when I load my save game with mods installed it goes to the load screen for the normal amount of time but instead of opening the game it crashes to desktop with no error message.

If I try to start a new game with mods it starts to load (little vault emblem in lower right is doing its thing) and just stays that way until I give up and close with task manager. If I uninstall (not delete) the mods the game runs great from save game or new start.

What I've tried so far: verified game thru steam (it found and added 1 missing file), made sure NMM, FO4, etc are running in admin. mode, tried running the game with various mod combinations, uninstalled avast as I heard it can conflict with FO4, as well as poking thru every dialog box I can find looking for... I don't know what... all no joy.

I realize the simple solution would be to uninstall, delete and re-download, but I'm more interested in finding out why this is happening so I don't replicate it in the future. LOOT is happy with load order, NMM installed and is happy with the mods but obviously FO4 is not happy. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.



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Thanks for the help! Here is the plugin load order as requested:

Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp=1
Insignificant Object Remover.esp=1
I set load order based on my understanding of load order from FO4 on Xbox and then ran LOOT and it verifies I have it correct. Also these are some of the most commonly used mods and I don't see how they would even "rub up" against each other much less cause a conflict. I keep thinking this must be some switch somewhere that I failed to flip on. Note: I have added the Archive lines (don't have them in front of me at the moment) to Ini file to enable modding so that shouldn't be a problem. I'm thoroughly baffled. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
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those should all be ok in that order.


have a look at this post and follow the Wrye Flash/FO4Edit tutorial for sorting masters (don't worry about cleaning the mods, this is just to check that one of those mods isn't expecting its master files in a different order)


if there are no problems, see if the game works.


if it doesn't work, deactivate all the mods except the unofficial patch and see if it works.

if it does, add AWKCR and try again.


keep going until you find the mod that is causing the problem.


once you have identified which mod causes the crash, try the other mods without that one.


it might be worth redownloading the mods and then manually copying the contents into the data folder as NMM sometimes misses things.

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Thanks for the quick response. Dumb question... I don't see the post on Wrye Flash/FO4Edit tutorial? I will google and see what I can find on that.


Also to clarify: I have tried the mods in every possible combo and the bottom line is it crashes as I described with any single mod or combination of mods enabled/installed. That's why I keep thinking there's something simple I missed. The game runs with no mods and crashes with any mods installed.


As for manually re-installing... good thought! I will try that. I suppose if there was any type of hiccup in any of the download/installs that could be the cause all of this?

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Also to clarify: I have tried the mods in every possible combo and the bottom line is it crashes as I described with any single mod or combination of mods enabled/installed. That's why I keep thinking there's something simple I missed. The game runs with no mods and crashes with any mods installed.

did you read the thread about NMM and how to enable mods




Edited by Fonger
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Hi Fonger, not sure if I understand your question... are you asking if I:

Add the following lines to your Fallout4Custom.ini



Yes I did. As I understand it that should enable modding of the game. Is there something else I need to do that I missed?
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Update: went ahead and uninstalled/deleted all mods. Played vanilla until out of the vault and then added FO4 patch. Fired the game up and it runs great, no problems. I am now going to add one mod at a time and run the game after each, but I think I'm in the clear. Apparently sometimes the simple solution is the best solution. Upside, I now have a much better comprehension of how mods function... so that's something :laugh:


Thanks to Mighty Zog and Fonger for your help. PC gaming in general (much less modded FO4) can be pretty intimidating to noobs like myself and your willingness to help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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Never add more that one new mod at a time, then go into the game and play it for a while and check for any issues. Adding too many new mods all in one go is sure to create problems.

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Never add more that one new mod at a time, then go into the game and play it for a while and check for any issues. Adding too many new mods all in one go is sure to create problems.

not to mention that the starting vault is quite brittle --- exit vault before adding mods. Some people even suggest playing vanilla until after killing the deathclaw in Concord then saving there for future gaming

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