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Dragon Nodachi


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I've been a fan of this weapon for a while now, I really like the look of it though I didn't like the swing speed and enchantment, I've been able to edit this myself using the creation kit so that's not the issue, but after being away from the game for a time I only just realized that the weapon is unchantable and non upgradable, I've been trying to make it upgradable but I can't seem to do it. I've been looking at tutorials and doing everything step by step. I don't think I've been doing something wrong but every time I try to edit it the weapon dissapears. Not even showing up in the console menu anymore. I don't have any experience with modding besides editing weapon/armor stats. So if someone could make this weapon unenchanted and upgradable would be a giant help!

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Did you delete the keyword "MagicDisallowEnchanting"? You cannot enchant a weapon when it has this keyword in the weapon's record.


To upgrade the weapon you need to have the perk "Arcane Blacksmith" since it's originally an enchanted weapon. Do you have this perk?


Are we talking about this mod http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/38851/? ?

Edited by Novem99
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Did you delete the keyword "MagicDisallowEnchanting"? You cannot enchant a weapon when it has this keyword in the weapon's record.


To upgrade the weapon you need to have the perk "Arcane Blacksmith" since it's originally an enchanted weapon. Do you have this perk?


Are we talking about this mod http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/38851/? ?

Yes that's the one. And I didn't like the enchantment so I removed it so I could put my own enchantment on it. But it seems even with the original enchantment it didn't seem to be upgradable for some people. Or I might've read that wrong. It's as I said, I have no real modding knowledge so it's possible I did something wrong. But the original author seems to have abandoned the mod so I can't ask him for help.

Edited by Oblivionstud678
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