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professions: crafting many items


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i have a problem. I want to skill enchanting/blacksmithing. It is very annoying that i have to click so often... Enchanting requires "choose enchant/item/stone".. and then confirm that YES/NO-dialog...

Is there a mod that let me craft x items at once?


it would be better if i could confirm the dialog with my keyboard, but i can only click it with my mouse... i tried "return/y/cursor-keys". I read somethere that "y" / "n" coudl help, but it didnt work...


the best solution is a mod for this. it is not ok that i spent so much time for clicking and not playing...


hope someone can help me :)

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I know there is a mod that lets you craft more leather strips and refine more ore and such all ready. Don't know if it lets you make many of the final product at once though. Search the mods section.


You can use "y" and "n" if it's a yes or no question but you still have to click when it says "ok" The clicking is the price you pay for power leveling the skills. You may as well just open the console and set your skill levels.

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