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Bald Player Character with Elf Ears


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Hello once again fellow Modders!


It seems like no sooner do I fix one problem, I cause myself another one... one of the dangers of never being able to leave anything alone, I guess. So here's the problem:


I ran ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated, and then re-installed Francesco's Optional Items/Monsters to register it back in my .ini file. Everything seemed all fine and dandy until a short while later I had an error with another mod's armor texture. To attempt a fix, I started a new character rather than bugtest with my usual one, and this is when I noticed something big was wrong.


My test character is always the base Imperial; default everything, standard hair, and whatever eye set pops up first. So this means I picked the Vanilla 'Natural' hairstyle for him. However, once I got in game, he looked like this:




I've heard of people having issues with Ren's Beauty pack causing people to go bald, but I don't have anything other than the textures and meshes installed from the 'only hairs' section. In addition, when I tried activating the 'onlyhairs.esp' file, he was still bald. I have NO idea where the ears are coming from, but every character I tried, stock or custom, had them.


Call me suspicious, but I think it has something to with ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated, but I don't seem to be able to googlefu the answer. And the worst part, is I followed their suggestion and deleted ArchiveInvalidation.txt, so I can't even try a rollback to older files. I've attached my load order as well; any insights or suggestions towards fixing this problem would be greatly appreciated!

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Today's recommended method of archive invalidation is BSA Redirection. The simplest way to get it is through Oblivion Mod Manager (the Utilities button, then Archive Invalidation and then select BSA Redirection ... leave all other options alone). I think you are running into one of the reasons that ArchiveInvalidatedInvalidated has become outdated.
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Ok, that makes sense, though I also ran through OBMM's BSA redirection, did the update, etc, and the problem wasn't solved. If you think that's the issue though, here's an alternative question; does BSA redirection only work with mods installed through OBMM? because I have a few that I installed manually, that I could create OMODS for if necessary.


Also, I suppose I should have mentioned it before, but my old character has a full head of hair and normal ears, and is completely playable... dunno why it's only happening with new characters.

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No BSA Redirection once done will work with all your mods, no matter how you install them (I personally have a couple of OMODs and the rest manually installed). What you need to do now is undo the changes that ArchiveInvalidatedInvalidated has made, which will likely entail re-installing some mods after you've removed all traces of ArchiveInvalidatedInvalidated (including I believe the file ArchiveInvalidated.txt which will be in the same folder as your Oblivion.ini). The other thing about BSA Redirection is it's a do it once and forget about it solution ... no updating or anything required after doing it once.


As to why your old character is one way and new ones not the same, it could be that your old character's appearance is part of your save game, where new ones are being affected by the current state of disorder in your archive invalidation.

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Fair enough... I guess what I could try for a starter is re-installing stuff like Cobl Cosmetics and the files for the Race Balancing Project... maybe I'll get lucky. Barring that, when I decide to try a new game I just reinstall everything. I'd just rather not.


EDIT: Weeell, I managed to fix half my problems; I figured out that I had to change the file date on the original bsa's that come with the game to get most of my updates back; still dunno what's causing the problem at hand though. I dunno what would even add ears like that. The other odd bit is that they look fine in the race gen menu, but after I build my character, this happens. And to top it off, I took my bald pointy eared character to the testinghall and turned him into a vampire... and his hair and ears changed back to normal. In the immortal words of thousands around the world: WTF?


2nd EDIT: Also noticing a marked increase in CTD's when trying to save.


3rd EDIT: ANNND that's torn it; tried backing up my .ini file and now every time I try to load my game it crashes. Fresh install ahoy!

Edited by DragonKnightBob
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