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Dawnbreaker Glow. Myth or Fact?


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The wikia for skyrim and many users on the internet claim that Dawnbreaker glows brighter near the undead, or certain types of enemies in general. There are even a youtube video or two that show the blade (not just the hilt) glowing white hot. Yet I've tried out the weapon in game and it never glowed any differently when near enemies of any type.


I opened it up in CK and checked out the enchantment on it and the encompassing script, neither of which had any glowing property aside from the standard Fire Enchantment FX. I also checked out the nif of the weapon and found a looped time controller for the glow animation on the blade itself, which by itself would not have anything to do with proximity to enemies in game.


So I'm wondering, if this alleged enemy-sensing glow is achieved by neither script nor nif, is it merely a skyrim urban myth, or maybe a random glitch that stopped the glow animation controller loop?

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