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Can someone update and reupload this mod?


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I was looking for some alternatives to the vanilla bandanas in Fallout 4, and I stumbled across this mod. Although, after reading the mod page, I noticed that it's simply a replacer for the vanilla red bandana. Can someone please hop on the Creation Kit and update & reupload this mod so we can have individual bandanas? I would do it myself, but no matter what I do, I can't get my Bethesda.net Launcher up and running... plus I don't know how to mod at all. Thanks for reading! :)

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From my understanding, the author hasn't used Nexus in over a year.


Edit: Plus, why wouldn't someone be able to reupload so long as they credit the original mod author on the mod page?

Edit #2: It turns out that he was active just a few days ago on the Nexus Forums. I'll try to contact him there. :)

Edited by MacGimbeh
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Edit: Plus, why wouldn't someone be able to reupload so long as they credit the original mod author on the mod page?


To answer this one: Mods are the copyrighted material of their creators - the modders own their works, and so for others to make use of them beyond simply playing with the mod (such as altering or rehosting) requires direct (written) permissions, or a public statement saying the work is "free to use".

Giving credit does not equal permission, despite was some people believe.


Anyway, best of luck with contacting the author.

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Topic moved to the correct forum. Next time please make sure you read the stickied topics in the forum section where you are planning to post.

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