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Infinite loading screens and freezes.


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Hello, im new to pc gaming and just got this pc. I had heard the wonders of modding skyrim, and my friend told me about a few mods, and the rest i just looked up on youtube and so on.

Although my friend didnt really help with the install process so i may have done ome things wrong.



The problem happens seems to happen when i enter or exit a building, but its not stuck on one single spot it happened regardless if i was in dawnstar or whiterun or anywhere really.




My PC Specs are:

Nvidia Gtx 1050

AMD FX-8300

With 16GB of System RAM


Load order<----------------


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This is just my unscientific opinion from my own experience, but try:







Load Game CTD Fix



if you are not already using these. I used to have infinite loading screens until I started using SafetyLoad, so I keep it around.


I would also recommend using


Optimized Vanilla Textures



because Bethesda's HD packs aren't very efficient and place an unnecessary burden on your VRAM.


Hope this helps.

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