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Venus de Milo Statue


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Would anyone be able to convert this model:




Into a statue, or maybe a few in different scales?

I really feel the statues in the game are a let down and maybe this would add some much needed class to settlements?

Sadly I have no 3D working skill what so ever and have just spent the last two hours trying to turn that thing into a .nif and failed, though I do now have a 30 day trial of 3D Max 2018, so yay?

If someone could just make this into a nif file I would happily try to create a mod out of it.


Hugs & Kisses,


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oh heck yeah, that'd be fun!

that would look great in the Institute Museum Wing!


I agree about statues - it does seem underdeveloped,

especially variable-geometry moving ones or light-up statues.

Statues could add a lot of customization or whimsy to settlements.




ie, Toddsville- a creationclub, fan-made mod and quest featuring todds,

I could put a Todd Howard statue in main-square of Toddsville.

Where Mayor Todd says "don't mind the rabble, this place is a bit of a dump", that'd be funny as.

the vendor of Toddsville, if you don't kill the todd howard clones, will be a todd,

and he might sell statues of todd, as mementos of Toddsville. (an homage to FONV's dinosaur statues at Novac).




I'm glad I was able to find "Hologram emitters", and better orrery's and statue features,

color-change crystal-clock feature (it lights up and 'tells the time' based on Isaac Newton/Rudolf Steiners' color charts... also glows "red alert" when a connected alarm tower goes off.)

waterfalls, you name it. there's a lot of statue stuff in homemaker mod, and FO3/FONV homages in those parts-packs.

though, for hologram-statues, (to quote Garth Marenghi)

"Why have one statue when you can have this one, which is all of them?"

past fallouts had all green or all blue holograms a lot, which're strangely missing in the Boston area.

advanced in some ways, oldschool in others hehe.


I digress;

a kludge may already exist;

the author of "mannequins in FO4", as Tyrannicon outlines,

makes it possible to put player-statues (replete with texture replacers for hologram or statue copper etc)

in settlements... perhaps, it is possible to set the part-opacity to 0% on that...

and, it would effectively resemble a battle-damaged sandstone Venus statue.




or, thanks to CBBE and 'authentic physique selector" from LoversLab,

you could have a Venus d'Wilendorf,

a Venus d'Supermutant, or a Venus d'TyrionLannister hehe. (or lil'betsy).

whatever you wanted hehe.

a Venus d'Centaur statue (that's a Fallout-style rad-mutie Centaur, although a mythology Centaur would be interesting I suppose).

venus d'radghoul.



Scrap totems like those made by Tassou,

or other "scrap-statues" etc, they'd be awesome to also see.

sorta like at "Car-Henge", or the 'statues' of Che Fong or the father from George Shrinks

"fluggel-horn musical statue" indeed...




Good luck, and I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with for your settlement-building.

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