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Riding your shield


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A friend and I came up with an idea for a mod where you can ride your shield down a mountain instead of walking/running on the paths. Imagine having the shield equipped, making a running start and then jump onto the shield and ride down the mountains. Each shield should have a value to as how glideable they are depending on their visual looks (i.e. a smooth dragon bone shield might be more glideable than a daedric shield with all its jagged edges). Troll fat could be applied to make it glide faster.


This whole concept can be expanded to include fighting while riding down on the shield - hacking, slashing, casting and shouting. Further expanding on the fighting part, a whole new game mode could be developed to fight oncoming hordes of enemies doing "tricks" to earn enough energy for shouts.


Neither of us have the scripting, animation or modelling skills to make this possible, so we wanted to post the idea here for any one looking for something to do.

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Just passing through, but this sounds funny. I don't think the problem would be riding the shield at all. It would possibly take someone who knew how to pop the shield into a 3d program and toss in some dummy animations for a shield that is just solid.. You could then make the shield a mount, and scale up/down the player/shield, so it looks something like you're balancing on it. As someone with a little experience with the kit though the big problem, from only using the construction kit, would be telling if you were going straight, up, or down hill. I'm not sure if this is easily doable. The mod may as well just be a hover shield. lol


Legolas ftw!

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Just passing through, but this sounds funny. I don't think the problem would be riding the shield at all. It would possibly take someone who knew how to pop the shield into a 3d program and toss in some dummy animations for a shield that is just solid.. You could then make the shield a mount, and scale up/down the player/shield, so it looks something like you're balancing on it. As someone with a little experience with the kit though the big problem, from only using the construction kit, would be telling if you were going straight, up, or down hill. I'm not sure if this is easily doable. The mod may as well just be a hover shield. lol


Legolas ftw!



I tend to love realism and immersion mods. Still as soon as I started downloading mods I wanted a snowboarding mod :P


I think if there is someone out there willing to take up this challenge it would be greatly appreciated by the community. Forget all the combat stuff for now, just being able to snowboard down the awesome mountains bethesda has provided would be a dream.

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It would be the same type of effect that sometimes happens when you exit water. You glide across the ground until you hit uneven terrain or rocks. Edited by Brandy_123
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