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[LE] Script setrestrained an actor


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Hi, i tryed to make a torture chamber like in dawnstar sanctuary, tortures victims don't have any script, they just have an AI package to sittarget on the wall torture rack.

But my prisoners dont stay restrained when i hit them, i tryed many tricks to add a script on the actor or on the torture rack, and i can't manage this actor to stay restrained by default like the vanilla ones. If anyone know how to do it i'll be glad he share the right script, and the right way to use it.


Thanks !

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your definitely missing either A code, or B AI (or AI conditionals that force them to skipfallout and always just sit on the rack) on your NPCs so they will not fight back.


i watched everything there is nothing more than ai package sitarget on the npc, look yourself in the creation kit you will see.

Actualy i havent seen anybody restrain them in any mod, so i think there is something we all missed.

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I've been able to do this:



Bethesda sandbagged us: You have to modify the default animation

Gameplay tab -> Actors\Character\... -> ActionActivate -> ActivateRootChar -> Chair -> ShackleWallRoot


Change the anim Event

IdleShackleWall -> IdleShackled_01

IdleShackleExit -> IdleSHackled_01_exit


I use an Alias that has the necessary package (sit at the shackle target). My script is:




The final [Disable -> Enable] allows the victim to avoid clipping and settle into the shackles. This was a suggestion from captainunderpants123 in the comments section for my mod and it worked really well.


Best of luck with your mod. Try mine out if you have the time :)


[edit]If you want to have some fun, you can experiment with IdleShackled_02, where the victim hangs by one hand ;)[/edit]

Edited by anon1anon
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I've been able to do this:



Bethesda sandbagged us: You have to modify the default animation

Gameplay tab -> Actors\Character\... -> ActionActivate -> ActivateRootChar -> Chair -> ShackleWallRoot


Change the anim Event

IdleShackleWall -> IdleShackled_01

IdleShackleExit -> IdleSHackled_01_exit


I use an Alias that has the necessary package (sit at the shackle target). My script is:




The final [Disable -> Enable] allows the victim to avoid clipping and settle into the shackles. This was a suggestion from captainunderpants123 in the comments section for my mod and it worked really well.


Best of luck with your mod. Try mine out if you have the time :)


[edit]If you want to have some fun, you can experiment with IdleShackled_02, where the victim hangs by one hand ;)[/edit]




Sorry if i'm late, and thanks a lot ! it work perfectly, and your mod is fun, you improoved the vanilla sanctuary as it should be.

Thanks for the tricks, it gave me lot of new ideas.

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Sorry if i'm late, and thanks a lot ! it work perfectly, and your mod is fun, you improoved the vanilla sanctuary as it should be.

Thanks for the tricks, it gave me lot of new ideas.


Glad this worked out for you! What mod are you using it in, your player home "Last Nerevarine"?

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  • 8 years later...

I've been able to do this:



Bethesda sandbagged us: You have to modify the default animation

Gameplay tab -> Actors\Character\... -> ActionActivate -> ActivateRootChar -> Chair -> ShackleWallRoot


Change the anim Event

IdleShackleWall -> IdleShackled_01

IdleShackleExit -> IdleSHackled_01_exit


I use an Alias that has the necessary package (sit at the shackle target). My script is:


The final [Disable -> Enable] allows the victim to avoid clipping and settle into the shackles. This was a suggestion from captainunderpants123 in the comments section for my mod and it worked really well.


Best of luck with your mod. Try mine out if you have the time http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/smile.gif


[edit]If you want to have some fun, you can experiment with IdleShackled_02, where the victim hangs by one hand http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/wink.gif[/edit]


I know this is an old post but hoping you can help me. Trying to set up a kidnapped npc as part of a quest. I've managed to get them to stay put in shackles using a sittarget package and linking them to wall shackles. But I'm still confused as to how to free them when activated. Could you explain how to do this? I'm not very familiar with papyrus and have relied on a lot of tutorials to advance my mod.


The part of your script that confuses me is "Insert your victim selection function call"

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