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Started installing mods. DarnUI mod not showing?

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I've finally gotten a computer worth installing fallout 3 and skyrim. I'm in the mod manager and putting in mods like FWE, EVE, MMM, Fellout, Project Beauty, Enhanced weather, as well as a few weapon mods. All the .esp are showing up except Darn UI Which lists itself as DUI in the package manager. Im new to mods and everything and i was wondering if anyone could help with this, I'm not 100% sure on load orders either, I'm trying to use the list on the FOIP page, (Though im not using FOIP) I have Invalidated, FOMM,and FO3edit installed. I also installed project beauty by moving the HD files to the Data directory but the esp isnt showing when I try to add it to FOMM Edited by Guest
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If your mods are installed properly, they will show up in FOMM. You are going about this in the wrong way. First and foremost you should start a game in Fallout 3 to ensure the base game is loaded and running properly.

If everything runs properly, you should add one mod at a time and ensure that it is working properly. You should also have B.O.S.S. to handle your load order. You also have to read the read me that comes with the file and the description on the mod file page. Darn UI will show in FOMM as DarNifiedUIF3.esp. When you manually install a mod by adding the files to your data file, you have to exit FOMM and than restart before the .esp will show up. Again, start small, ensure the mod and game are working together, than add more mods.

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The .esm is the Master File that is needed for the game to operate properly. If they are not showing up in FOMM, you do not have FOMM installed properly. ESM=Elder Scroll Master. ESP=Elder Scroll Plugin.

They still use the Elder Scroll name since the Elder Scrolls came out and were moded before Fallout 3. The .esm should be the first thing that shows up in FOMM, with Fallout 3.esm being the first, followed by any of the DLC you might have. This assumes that you have installed both Fallout 3 and FOMM correctly.

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You need to clarify your post. What says no game master esm file found? I suggest you go to the Technical Support area of this forum. There are instructions there for installing mods. Like I stated, if you have installed Fallout 3, FOMM and your mods correctly, they will show up in FOMM. You have to install Fallout 3 on your hard drive outside of the Program Files. Otherwise, the User Account Control will interfer with the operation of Fallout 3.
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I had this same problem. The post above is correct. You should install FO3, run the vanilla normally just to make sure its running properly. After you have done this read your FWE readme, that has a lot of helpful tips on load orders and such.


What your going to want to do is use your package manager to install these. I use to do it manually but problems can stem from it. Make sure also that you install the root files of mods before installing the patches or updates so you dont override the new with the old.


Also with your Darnified problem. There are two installs. You have the base file and then there is an update, make sure you have both. I did not at one point an probly expeirenced the same thing you did.


Now with BOSS use it through you FOMM. At the top is the usually File,Tools,Load Order,Game Settings,etc tab at the top. Click on BOSS auto sort and that should get your load order working. Running it through the FO3 folder never worked for me either and gave me the same message. I hope this helps answer your questions.


Also since your new to modding and how they work, if you encounter a problem in the future 9 times out of 10 its your load order. OR you have a mod that overrides the previous. Remember that a mod thats at the bottom super seeds the one before it. FOR EXAMPLE: I could not get bottled water to replenish my Primary needs thirst because I had this perk mod that altered beverages. Things like that you need to keep an eye on. Also read the readme to some of these mods and it will tell you if something conflicts or not.


And just keep in mind that your game is going to CTD and weird stuff is going to happen in the game but you just have to roll with it and play around it sometimes. I hope this helps dude. OH and dont forget to create a merge patch after you have installed all your mods and gotten the load order sorted.

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