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Creating Legendary Weapon in Creation Kit


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Hey there i have marked a weapon with a legendary effect in the CK (keywords, weapon type, explosive), in game tho the weapon is not legendary and does not have the effect 'explosive bullets' The weapon was originally called 10mm Revolver, but in game it was renamed to 'exploding 10mm revolver'


so how to add a legendary effect properly to a weapon in the CK?

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AFAIK the only way to create legendary items and have them properly spawn in-game is generating them through a quest. That's how all the legendary items in the game seem to be generated.


Seddon4494 has a great tutorial on how to do make legendary weapons on YouTube, but you can also use the process he shows on armor. I've done this with weapons several times using this tutorial and it's worked perfectly each time.


In the future, you should probably post questions like this in the Creation Kit and Modders forum. Most people using this particular forum are looking for help troubleshooting mods in their game, not for help with the CK and you'll probably have better luck in the CK forum.

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Naww, you can do it without that.


Take a look at either my exports mod, or the cache mod. I have 2 legendary named weapons in there.


For your pistol, compare yours to what I did with the combat rifle. (BlueBeered is its name)


You can set all the mods you want on the weapon there in CK, including legendary, even give it a name.


No quest needed.

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  • 1 year later...

Naww, you can do it without that.


Take a look at either my exports mod, or the cache mod. I have 2 legendary named weapons in there.


For your pistol, compare yours to what I did with the combat rifle. (BlueBeered is its name)


You can set all the mods you want on the weapon there in CK, including legendary, even give it a name.


No quest needed.

Could you possibly list the steps or point to a tutorial?

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