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Starting a new game with the same character in Skyrim


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Hello, everybody.


I'm currently playing a game in Skyrim and I truly love the way my character looks like. :happy: But I want to start a new game, start from 0 AND use the same character. I'll explain: I don't want to choose again all the nose types, scars, hairs and so on because I really enjoy the way my character looks like today and I'm sure I won't be able to make a perfect copy of every detail. :confused:

I've seen a lot of people asking about this on google, but they wanted to keep the level or the items. That's not the case. I only want the looks.

Is there a way to do that without using mods?


Thank you all for your time.

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Racemenu is the easiest way to achieve what you want. Its requirements are shared by many other mods as well. There is also a way to use Racemenu on npcs. But it is tricky to do right.

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