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I want to use a modders resource. In what ways am I allowed to use this?


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Hello. I'm really excited to upload more files, but I want to use a modders resource and I'm hesitant to do it because the author hasn't read my PMs I sent them... I am new to this process of uploading mods, so I'm not sure what I have permission to do...


I'm specifically talking about the mod Helmetless Hazmat Suit by cat_woman1989 ... all I want to use is the "tanks-on-back with straps" armor from this mod - that's it... I already created my mod, I'm just scared to upload it even if I give credit. My mod doesn't require Helmlless Hazmat Suit as a master file, but I do use assets from it. Is this allowed if I give all appropriate credits and such? I don't want to make Helmless Hazmat Suit a required file because it includes items that will essentially break my mod / make it pointless.


Can someone please help me clear this up? I PM'ed CatWoman, but she has not read my messages yet and I want to upload this cool mod I worked on.



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As a general rule of thumb, check the permissions tab of the mod that you want to use assets from: the mod you linked is a bit ambiguous due to the fact that some parts of it use other mod authors assets, so you really need to be certain before proceeding with your mod.

The mod author was last online four days ago, I'd suggest attempting to contact cat_woman1989 one last time, giving the PM a title along the lines of 'Permission to use mod assets from Helmetless Hazmat Suit' (for example) and politely asking for clarification regarding the particular asset you intent to use. Provide as much detail as possible regarding your mod in the PM.

If you don't hear back from them after this, then unfortunately you won't be able to upload your mod. You might just have to be patient and hope they respond sometime in the near future.

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It's a modders resource and the item I'm using was modded by catwoman, who claims it's a modders resource. I'm going to upload this file and list her in the credits and in the description.


I already contacted staff about this as well and nobody has gotten back to me, so I'll do what many other people do - leave a message about it in my description explaining the situation that I have not ever gotten a reply from catwoman or staff and that I'll remove it if catwoman doesn't want it up...

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Like AGreatWeight said, patience. It's never a good idea to make a mod based on someones resources until you have gotten express permission.


If all you want is the tank and the gadgets attached to it separated perhaps this will suffice: https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ai4z0jNsozEnsvpL_gpRBIMtK3K8bA

It's not weighted so you have to copy weights and such in Outfit Studio (https://github.com/ousnius/BodySlide-and-Outfit-Studio/wiki/Copying-bone-weights).


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