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Insufficient light from glowing item


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I had an idea earlier today and started whipping things together to make a 'glow marker', just an item that can be constructed, carried, and dropped where you want to mark that you've been (this is for hardcore explorers and such).


But, I have a problem.


I started out just making a material swap for the 'blood test tube' MISC object that added a glow DDS and requisite settings. That part, works great.

(see attached).


Problem I have is, I can't figure out what settings in the BGSM would brighten that enough to light up a small area around itself, or if that's even possible. I would like to keep this as functionally simple as possible, since my scripting skills aren't strong and the only other ways I can think of doing this would be to treat it as a projectile with a light source, or somehow script in the spawning of a LGHT object on that location once it's been set down, and disable it when picked up. Not sure how I'd keep the light *in* it though.





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this would be awesome - even though there are a couple of FO4 flares and such already,

this will hopefully not have the conflict potentials that other approaches have.


especially if you go with your idea here in post #1 of this thread

and treat the glowstick as a flare or grenade, with "onEvent" stuff when it's used.


there's that,

and the encoding for the textures itself,

as Tilarta and Dread4 have explored,

they've made different things glow.

B2-D-B2 has also begun getting things to transparently glow.

their guides are much more straight forward than the ones on bethnet.




you can also use such, to have different encodings for the shadows and diffraction.

so, you could have the shadow be a sequence or fractal,

such as "Leibniz gasket", or hyperdimensional Riemannian diffractive surface (ie, it will glow different colors relative to distance to other things).

that surface can also have a decal attached to the object's surface,

much like "lava-y lava lamps" which have a 2D-3D animation decal infront of the surface,

or other 2D-3D applications in 'holograms' and 'forcefields'...


I think it's easier to have an associated light-instance with the object when it deploys.

Shavkacagarikia has a few snippets

i think the flare is like a grenade, hence, it's an "OnEvent" special event which appends the lightsource,

that way it doesn't need power...

although, looking at the placeable lantern's mod,

you could also have that associated to a container which you could put power assets in.

instead of a glowstick, it's a larger portable 'fluro tube' hehe.



If you could combine the UVB/blacklight pipboy code,

with RuadHan2300's 'blink code' and teleporters etc,

perhaps, you could have an 'Xray grenade'/'alpha pre-render grenade"...

a UVB/blacklight glowstick,

perfect for those Ghoul Raves hehe.

or "inverse color scheme grenades' which would make the colors go all haywire,

much like modded 9bangs on CS:GO.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Huh, didn't get any notifications on this thread.


I figured out the easiest way to do this was to make it a lobbed projectile (i.e grenade) with no damage, because the PROJ item type allows you to assign a light to the projectile itself. I then made a custom green light that fit what I wanted.


Still have some tweaking to do in that I wanted the projectile to "self-injure", basically count it's HP down to zero so it would go out after several minutes and turn back into the base object to collect and reuse.


Oh, and the emittance value in BGSM will not 'cast' light, that pretty much requires an LGHT object and attaching one to the NIF is not straightforward at all, though that's how it's done for lanterns and such.

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Huh, didn't get any notifications on this thread.


I figured out the easiest way to do this was to make it a lobbed projectile (i.e grenade) with no damage, because the PROJ item type allows you to assign a light to the projectile itself. I then made a custom green light that fit what I wanted.


Still have some tweaking to do in that I wanted the projectile to "self-injure", basically count it's HP down to zero so it would go out after several minutes and turn back into the base object to collect and reuse.


Oh, and the emittance value in BGSM will not 'cast' light, that pretty much requires an LGHT object and attaching one to the NIF is not straightforward at all, though that's how it's done for lanterns and such.



Sorry, I forgot about this particular thread. I looked that up later for something else, and yeah, if you look at lanterns and the like, yep there is a separate thing, and copying items into nifs while doable, is a bit of a pain. (as I found out making my windmills and just adding the power line connector. yuck. Got it to work, and look right, but sheesh, it's a pain.)

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