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Lion-O Claw Shield (somewhat clear idea of what to do, am not a modder myself)


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I'm not sure if this would actually be do-able, but I feel like, to get at least the 2011 version of the claw shield from thundercats, you'd just have to clone over the elven gauntlets, maybe beef one up a bit with some flair at the modder's discretion, and then just...make the right hand gauntlet invisible. I've seen invisible glove mods before, but they're always in a pair, so I'm not sure how do-able that is.

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http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25696/? executed this beautifully. I feel like for Lion-O, the ward shield would be optional and not really needed for the lore. You might look into contacting the author for an idea of how they did it

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