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Oblivion watermelon superdupe!(10,000+)


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Hello im sure all of you have seen the youtube vid of a guy duping 10,000 watermelons

ever since that movie ive built my computer so that it could out do that and break into a greater amount of watermelons

the only issue im having is in starting the dupe correctly

first i tried the standard punch then pause then drop but my computer takes to long for the watermelons to spawn reason for this is this method makes all 10,000 watermelons spawn at the same time which is alot of collision checking


so i tried the method in the vid where he used a bow this ways better because instead of oblivion thinking you have dropped 10,000 arrows all at once it thinks its shooting 10,000 arrows sequentialy so theres less collision checking (if you watch the watermelon vid youll notice how its raining melons for 20 minutes non-stop)

the only problem i run into is when i do it with a bow all 10,000 melons are there only thing is thier floating. . .

they dont fall or move at all they just float there and nothing ive done can make them start falling (hitting shooting spells even saurons knockback mace)

does anyone have any suggestions for this because id sure like to fill the IC to the brim with melons


Thanks in Advance,


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The purpose of this is?


10,000 watermelons is really only causing strain on the havok engine. From a graphics standpoint, all those watermelons are really being instanced, so don't require very much visual processing. You'd get more visual slow down by having 50 seperate items, with different linked models and textures than you would get from multiplying a single item 10,000 times.


As for why they're stationary, this is processing. Havok for them isn't being activated until something hits them. This is a processor issue. You might get better results by putting in a few special activators in a cell, scripted with something like the following.


short rand
short timer
ref self

begin onload
set self to getself
set rand to get random percent
if rand <= 25
set timer to 0
elseif rand <= 50
set timer to 10
elseif rand <= 75
set timer to 15
set timer to 20

begin gamemode
if timer == 30
set timer to 0
elseif timer == 1
self.placeatme <watermelon> 1, 0, 0
set timer to timer + 1
elseif timer == 14
self.placeatme <watermelon> 1, 0, 0
set timer to timer + 1
set timer to timer + 1

Depending on how many activators you place with this script (5-10), it should generate them slowly enough for havok to keep up for awhile. For best results, you may want to place the activators above the ground, over oddly shaped objects. It should however be noted that doing this can cause seious problems long term, especially if you aren't using the latest patch, and should only be attempted for a joke, and not something you plan on saving.

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You'd get more visual slow down by having 50 seperate items, with different linked models and textures than you would get from multiplying a single item 10,000 times.


Yeah, if you wanna tax your system, get the Hilarity mod and summon a group of marauders and a group of bandits (who will fight each other) at the Arcane University, then cast the stark reality spell on everyone. My computer refuses to handle this, period. It's chunky with all the people on screen, but it basically gives up the ghost when I cast the spell on top of all that.


I don't mean to be a downer, but I don't get the draw of the watermelons thing either. You built a whole computer just to do this? :S I think even my computer could handle it. Or, I could be wrong!

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Thank you much for the help vagrant and jesse,

ive gotten it to make my 10000 melons

the way i did this first get all the mods outa the data folder

then i uninstalled oblivion

then i defragmented the whole hardrive then installed oblivion again

now my only problem is i have a q6600 quad core and when looking at the charts i see that only one of my four cores is actualy doing the massive 10000 watermelon calculations


im wondering does the latest patch have a fix for this (im at 1.2 i dont wanna get 1.4 because it makes duping more difficult)

or if theres a special software that automaticaly splits up the job because right now im only getting one frame a second






@ jesse, no my computer isnt entirely built just for watermelons thier oblivion crysis and starcraft 2 that where considered

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sorry about this unneccessary post i was posting on another thread and it ended up on this one

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But heck, even if you did, it's that's what's fun, that's what's fun!


lol you know


so as you can see i successfully duped 10,000 watermelons (Hurray!)



now im trying for 20,000 to shatter the record held by the guy on youtube my only problem is it will crash JUST BEFORE finishing off all 20,000

so im scrambling for ideas on how to stop it from crashing i have been monitoring all my hardware and after some modifications to the ini file i have 3 outa four cores operating which is great i think what i may need to try next is doing this on linux

but ultimatly i think its a limitation of the havok game engine that oblivions running on

and infortunatly theres nothing im willing to do if thats the problem i suppose i can just post a vid of 15,000 melons doesnt exactly shatter the old recod but its an improvment


so post plz if you have any ideas on how to get 20,000 melons to come out without crashing again



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Only solution that comes to mind is playing with some of the .ini havok settings



Not quite sure what you'd need to adjust, and playing around with it might have some unwanted effects, but it seems like your best bet. You might want to look at some .ini tweak guides to see if there's anything they mention before going to trial and error.


Other than that, changing the actual watermelon .nif to use a capsule shape instead of its current collision might yield some additional performance, but might be seen as cheating.


There may also be some game settings which could be tweaked.

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ive tried the .nif you posted and it doesnt really do much it still crashes JUST BEFORE finishing off 20,000 melons

im guessing this is the limitation of the havok engine im not sure ill keep trying tho

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