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interior designing issue pls help

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hi first time modder here. i watched a lot of videos and have the jist of it. i am having an issue while making the second floor on my interior design.in the creation kit everything looks fine, but when i go and play the game to check it out. it seems like there are building from the outside world clipping in throught the roof. I had removed part of the roof and loaded the game to see what was the problem, thats when i noticed a really bad render of somewhere in the commonwealth i guess my question is how to get rid of that rendering

Edited by tw1st3dhell
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It's really hard to see exactly what is going on in your screenshots, because that are opening at postage stamp size. But from what I can tell, I have to guess that you've made edits to a vanilla interior cell, and this isn't a cell you've made from scratch? If it's a vanilla cell that you've made changes to, what you're seeing is a side effect of making changes to a cell that has previsibility enabled and that data not being updated. Precombined meshes and previsibility are part of the game's optimization system and the way it works can make any editing vanilla cells a real challenge. If you just removed items from the cell without either disabling or regenerating the previs, this is the sort of thing that happens. Problem with disabling the optimization system is that you can take a real performance hit among other issues.


It's similar to what happens in Sanctuary (just one example) if you scrap one of the hedgerows that wasn't meant to be scrapped (like with a scrapping mod) and things behind where the hedge was start to blink in and out as you pass by. What you're seeing is similar, but since this is an interior cell there is no worldpace so the white you see is the void of the empty cell.


The "building from the outside world clipping in through the roof" is actually the LOD generated for the interior cell to act as a representation of what you would see if you were looking out the window. If that cell has the LOD enabled and you built onto the existing interior to a point where it intersects where the LOD is generated, that's that will happen. You can get around it by using an LOD Clip Volume to "mask out" the LOD from your interior but honestly, I think you have bigger issues to deal with first.


Folks would be better able to help you if you mentioned what cell this is and what changes you have made. You might also want to take a look through this thread on the FO4 optimization system. Lots of great info by some knowledgeable modders who are way above my pay grade. The thread will likely give you a better understanding of what is happening and how you can work around it.

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i had made a new interior. The LOD was set to commonwealth on interior Data, i changed it to interior and all that went away. Thank you for your help on that. i am curious tho what do you mean by you think i have bigger issues?

Edited by tw1st3dhell
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awesome stuff,

you'll be up and making complex mods in no time!


it looks as though you've encountered some of the stuff mentioned in this thread;



specifically, some parts to do with precombine,

and to do with doorportal/roombounds.


though, I think you'll be able to do it.

you can also use 'any door to any where', and new-lands, to make multiple refs etc.

that's a great kludge for putting an elevator 'seamlessly' through the guts of a settlement, without having to futz with the collisions hehe.


RuadHan2300's portal gun can also be fun to experiment with as a door-ref,

and then there's the TARDIS

or Memory Den Virtual Holodeck newlands, to have fun with too.




If you wind up looking for a challenge,

try having mobile settlements on an elevator,

variable geometry doors, etc.



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