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visible duration bar for mage armor


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Is there a mod for an on-screen/visible mage armor duration bar for Skyrim? If so, I can't seem to find one. I would appreciate a mod where I can see a bar (or any visual) that shows the amount of time my mage armor effect has left. The blueish glow around my mage is hard to see and/or keep track of.

Edited by Nexme71
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Thank you for your reply WastelandAssassin. However, I was looking for something that showed the mage armor duration meter/bar on the HUD and did not modify anything else. I am somewhat of a purest when it comes to games and don't really like to use or install mods. That being said I think that if we are given a power with a duration we should also be able to monitor that duration timer more easily.


If I do install the above mentioned mod is it easily removed if I feel that it also modfifes too many other aspects of the game layout?

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I'm not sure how easily removable the mod is.......

honestly , after using it for the first time , it become 100% must have for me

and that is aside from the fact that it adds the MCM , which is one of the best features added to the game


not sure if there is a standalone mod that only adds what you are looking for.......

you could try to mess with the configurations of SkyUI in it's added MCM menu to get the experience you want

but in all honesty , the menus in the game were horrible , and SkyUI makes navigating them a joy

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