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Final Fantasy XV mods?


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Hello, fellas!

I am not a modder and I have nothing to give in return, but maybe someone here feels like doing it for fun. It's a complete shot in the dark and this may just be ignored but I'll give it a try.


I know that FF mods have been made, however, there are no mods of the newest FF game. I enjoyed the game a lot and would love to have Noctis or other characters from the game as models in Skyrim. I tried to make my own presets in racemenu, but I am simply not skilled enough to replicate them (I'll keep trying though!)


If anybody wants some pictures of the characters, here are some. I don't expect ALL of them to be made, but I am sure I am not the only one who would want some of them. If the clothes can't be made, just the faces/hair will do (maybe I can get the rest out of other mods)


Noctis (close up)



Noctis (full body)



Lunafreya (close up)



Lunafreya (full body)



Prompto (close up)



Prompto (full body)



Gladiolus (close up)



Gladiolus (full body)



Ignis (close up)



Ignis (full body)



That's it! Not expecting anything, just throwing in what I'd love to have.

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Final Fantasy XV doesn't have mod support.


I think I forgot to make clear that I was talking about Skyrim. Isn't this the board for Skyrim mod requests?


I think he means FFXV publishers don't allow porting, unlike the Witcher publishers which do.

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Final Fantasy XV doesn't have mod support.


I think I forgot to make clear that I was talking about Skyrim. Isn't this the board for Skyrim mod requests?


I think he means FFXV publishers don't allow porting, unlike the Witcher publishers which do.



Oh, that's too bad. I am following the FFXV scene and I think models have been extracted from the game already. A shame they are not allowed to be ported... oh well, it doesn't mean the world. Just thought asking wouldn't hurt.

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Final Fantasy XV doesn't have mod support.


I think I forgot to make clear that I was talking about Skyrim. Isn't this the board for Skyrim mod requests?


I think he means FFXV publishers don't allow porting, unlike the Witcher publishers which do.



Oh, that's too bad. I am following the FFXV scene and I think models have been extracted from the game already. A shame they are not allowed to be ported... oh well, it doesn't mean the world. Just thought asking wouldn't hurt.


Maybe they are allowed, I have no idea, I was just assuming what they were trying to say. Do a little research and you might get lucky.

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  • 6 months later...


Final Fantasy XV doesn't have mod support.


Sorry bud, you're wrong on this one. Steam workshop is already up, and devs mentioned they'll be releasing mod tools soon.




Can we get a FFXV section please? :)

You realize these posts are from August, 2017? Check yourself before you wreck yourself.

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Final Fantasy XV doesn't have mod support.


Sorry bud, you're wrong on this one. Steam workshop is already up, and devs mentioned they'll be releasing mod tools soon.




Can we get a FFXV section please? :smile:

You realize these posts are from August, 2017? Check yourself before you wreck yourself.


Sorry, Don't see your point.


From August:



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