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How do you change NPC of a character to Another?


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This is probably really easy to do and I recall I did it on Dragon age 2 (AGES) ago.. However, how does one do it with Dragon age 1?

To better explain what I'm trying to do, essentially I'd turn one NPC to look like another (generally for potential romance scenes)

For example, turning Leliana into say Anora and have her fighting alongside Warden.


Any help would be hot!

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You would take the default hf_genfl_leliana.mrh and export it in the toolset as hf_den510_anora.mor and visa versa.

Then put the two .mor files in the C:\Users\Username\Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\core\override folder.

Here are the two files already swapped, just unzip them into your override folder.



Edit: If you want to get the Toolset and make other changes to NPC's, I posted a basic tutorial here. http://bsn.boards.net/thread/1881/modding-npcs

Edited by olnorton
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