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Help with Mesh with Multiple Collision Sub Shapes


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I have a model of a hallway from the vanilla game that I edited in Blender, changing the shape and adapting its collision mesh. The collision mesh works fine but since the hallway is meant to be made up of three different materials (MAT_STONE for the walls, MAT_BROKEN_CONCRETE for the floor, and MAT_GLASS for the windows), I need three different sub shapes in the collision bhkPackedNiTriStripsShape. At least that is how it is done with the vanilla meshes. When exporting from Blender 2.49b, I cannot seem to get the three collision meshes to fit into one bhkCollisionObject. Instead, they are each assigned their own bhkCollisionObject, with one becoming the collision object for the scene root and the other two being put into collisiondummys. I have tried using the option "Use bhkListShape" when exporting with no effect.


Is there a particular way I need to arrange the collision meshes for them to all become sub shapes in a bhkPackedNiTriStripsShape, or is there another way for me to pack them together? Should I just settle for the collisiondummys? Thank you.

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