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[LE] What event to use to detect when any enemy is hit by a lightning bolt?

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I am trying to find the right event to use that will detect when any enemy is hit by a lightning bolt. This is the script I tried:


Scriptname EyeOfTheStormFixedScript extends activemagiceffect

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)

	If (akCaster == Game.GetPlayer())
		Debug.Notification("You hit the enemy with lightning bolt.")


However that does nothing. I attached that script to the lightning bolt magic effect.


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Follow this tutorial to dynamically attach scripts to nearby actors, and add a script extending ReferenceAlias or MagicEffect depending on which method you picked.


Add this to the script

MagicEffect Property LightningBolt Auto ;fill this property with actual lightning bolt magiceffect

Event OnMagicEffectApply(ObjectReference akCaster, MagicEffect akEffect)

If akEffect == LightningBolt
	Debug.Notification("hit with bolt")


Or you could use Event OnHit I guess.

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