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Short Story section perhaps?


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Hello. I was wondering if it would be possible to add a "Short Story" section to The Forums. You know, a place where people can post, well, short stories pertaining to the TES Universe, and/or a part for stories NOT pertaining to the TES Universe.


I am requesting this, because if someone wants to share a short story with other people, they shouldn't post it in "The Lounge" because it would pertain to TES, and not in "The Druids Garden," because it's not really for stories, more artwork (yes, I know stories can be considered art as well).


Just an idea. :D





Devout User of The Forums,


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I think what you are discussing is generally referred to as Fan Fiction,


and least for now is being posted in "The Druids Garden,"



Not a bad idea though.



There are entire sites devoted to this subject as I am sure you know.





Storm Raven



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