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Help with modifying a vanilla script


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As you can see in the script, the vertibird will drop 3 bombs as it flies by. The problem is that vertibird starts to drop them at random time, and that's what I don't want - I need to achieve that vertibird will start dropping bombs always at the same time. Is something like this possible? I suppose it would be sufficient to change some values/numbers in the script, but since I'm a script noob, I'm asking for help here...

scn DCWallVertibirdStrafe02SCRIPT

; This trigger enables it's linked ref (a vertibird) and calls its forward animation
; It also tells the vertibird when to fire its weapon
; This script is the same as strafe01script, but it drops more bombs

float timer
float fireTimer
short doOnce
short firingFlag ;0 - not firing  1 - waiting to fire  2 - firing vertibirdgun  3 - firing fatman
ref linkedRef


Begin gameMode
if linkedRef == 0
set linkedRef to getLinkedRef

if (doOnce == 1)
if (timer <= 0)
linkedRef.playgroup Forward 1
set fireTimer to 1
set firingFlag to 1
set timer to 2.5  ;timer now becomes the master timer for the firing block
set doOnce to 2
set timer to timer - GetSecondsPassed

elseif (doOnce == 2)
if (linkedRef.isAnimPlaying Forward == 0)
linkedRef.disable ;disable the vertibird when it's done playing its forward animation
set doOnce to 3

if (timer <=0)
set firingFlag to 0
if (firingFlag == 1)
if (fireTimer <=0)
linkedRef.fireWeapon vertibirdBombgun
set fireTimer to .5
set firingFlag to 2
set fireTimer to (fireTimer - GetSecondsPassed)
elseif (firingFlag == 2)
if (fireTimer <=0)
linkedRef.fireWeapon vertibirdBombgun
set fireTimer to .5
set firingFlag to 1
set fireTimer to (fireTimer - GetSecondsPassed)

set timer to (timer - GetSecondsPassed)




Begin onTriggerEnter Player

if (doOnce == 0) && (getStage MQ05 >= 85)
linkedRef.enable 0

set timer to 5

set doOnce to 1

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Ya I'm only seeing 2 of these "linkedRef.fireWeapon vertibirdBombgun"


Whicht I assume are the commands to do that ? ... but it seems it may loop back in on itself ^shrug^


My eyes kinda glaze over with scripts like that still (*)(*)

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Welcome to the thread! :smile:


I suppose it's the 2nd option, except the fact that I don't know what you mean by "multiple runs". Perhaps you think that vertibird will drop 1st set of bombs, then it returns, and drop 2nd set of bombs...?


I'm using the script exactly as it is used in vanilla game (cell DCworld12) - the trigger is simply linked to vertibird via Linked Ref tab. On the picture you can see my scene: player goes through the trigger, and after few seconds vertibird will appear, and starts to drop bombs along the way. The problem is that it sometimes hit the wall on the left, and that's what I don't want.



Edited by Andyno
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I use that script setup in my mod Merc2 and it seems to be pretty accurate on every drop I tested. Mine is not triggered by a player trigger, but a script variable being set at a certain point. If you want me to look at and test your setup I can PM you my email address or you can upload it somewhere else for me to download. It might be a matter of changing how the script is triggered.

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