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More lands to buy!


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So here´s the deal I want a mod where you can buy other land throughout the different holds of skyrim, like all of them

And I don´t know if there is a mod out there already that does this for Skyrim SE, but if someone know please share that info... Thank you

I also dont know if this is the right place to write in... but why not, right?


Skyrim SE Special Edition Skyrim SE

Edited by Frisken96
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I would like more houses and land to buy for even more variety. There's so many "Free" house mods out there that just don't feel like I've earned them.
The Ultimate Dragonborn houses should at least require completing the main quest line or something.

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You could make it immersive, making yourself a slumlord by hoarding up all the properties and then rent them out to npc's at ten times the cost. I believe that there is one mod that I remember seeing that would make you the High King of Skyrim, which by default would make you owner of all the lands. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2152/?


I would also like to see a land/home ownership overhaul that would actually make sense, especially for immersion. Of course with no added houses, the hearthfire homeownership mechanic via aquiring property through a Jarl after said number of quests are completed does make sense given that they have full economic control of their hold. Some modded homes do have quests that make immersion far more interesting.


For immersion purposes skyrim needs a realestate office as well as a posse of cold-hearted tax collectors.

Edited by orwellswift
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