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So, this should be a relatively easy thing to create and I'm not sure why this hasn't been made yet. I already know about Simply Modular Housing, but I'd really like to see various wallpapers for the default vanilla walls in the game, as a standalone. To get a good example of what I mean, check out the mod called Catdeco. Catdeco is a FANTASTIC all-inclusive carpet, stair and railing mod that works very well with default floors. Now what we need is:

A set of standalone various wallpapers that literally snap in full to walls so that you can make one side of a wall completely different from the other. The only mod I know of that does this so far is Simply Modular Housing, which is about as far from vanilla as one can get. Please, can someone take the probably half an hour I'd suspect that it would take to make a vanilla snappable standalone wallpaper?




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well it's not for vanilla walls/base game workshop items, but snappy housekit by robboten has a ton of options for wallpapers that snap to the inside of walls from his mod. the pieces in his mod ARE from vanilla, just not stuff you can build. would highly recommend checking it out if you haven't though. great mod

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Making wallpapers that snap to the vanilla walls is not as easy as you'd hope. There aren't many snap points to go for, and beth didn't bother to add the properties from the dlc FH to the initial workshop items, meaning that one already used snap point won't be usable for a possible wallpaper.

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