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Prevent the player from 'tabbing' back in a terminal


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Hi there


I have a series of terminal forms linked one after the other, and I don't want the played to be able to go back up to the last viewed page in the terminal with the tab key.


Eg in the terminal - see page 1, make selection, see page 2, press tab and go back to page 1. I want to stop the played doing this.


Is there a way ?


Thanks everyone !



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Hey shav


The terminal has a series of security questions, one after the other, followed by either a passed or failed screen. I dont want the player to be able to just tab back if they get it wrong. They have to start from the beginning again.


I have though about using quest stages - pass page 1 advance the quest a stage - and have a condition on each page related to a stage. Get it wrong and the stage is set back at the start. ??

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Maybe you could try with a quest, script fragments and item conditions.


Create an hidden quest (let's call it WhateverQuest) with numerous stages. One Stage for each Entry of your terminal you don't want to be readable again. Each entry would SetStage its own stage

Whenever the player reads an entry, you use the Script Fragment WhateverQuestProperty.Setstage(xx) where xx is the actual stage linked to that entry.

Then on that same entry in the Item Conditions section, you add a condition: GetStageDone - WhateverQuest - XX - That Entry Stage == 0.000 which means that entry would only show up is its Stage in the quest hasn't been completed.


It's totally theorical in my head, never tried it. But that's how I would try for sure and see how it works. Maybe some others would have a better way to do it tho.

Edited by Guerlot
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The simplest solution, I would think, is for each wrong answer, you simply have the button linked to "Return to Top Level" - that will immediately send the player back to the Terminal entry that they started from. See the Terminal entry on the CK Wiki for more info.

Edited by Reneer
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Ok, Guuerlot's suggestion is good. But I think you can do it without quest, just use global variable instead. with setvalue() and checking it with getGlobalValue condition fucntion. For example:




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awesome ideas!

there's a lot of different approaches,

just goes to show there's a lot of ways to do things in problem solving.



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thanks everyone, I've had a few ideas based on snippets thus far in this thread,

this thread is right up there with the FO4 Optimization thread in terms of awesomeness.

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