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Problems with Doors


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I have two problems with doors.


1. I have copied a barred door from a prefab but when I enter the cell in game the door is automaticaly unbarred. Can anyone tell me how to make it stay barred?


2. I have placed rotating doors "NorRotatingDoor" ACTIVATOR and a lever. I have tried making the lever a parent. I have also tried a link ref. but the doors don't work. How do I get them to work?




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1. Need more info.. what door are you trying to use and what activator are you using?



2. Use the norlever01 and attach the script MS06RotatingDoorSCRIPT to the lever, then point your script properties to the NorRotatingDoor.

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Thanks for the reply. The prefab I refered to is in Warehouseprefabs in the CK. I found it in the wiki.

The reason I couldn't get things working correctly was because I coc'd into the cell. when I teleported through a door into the cell everything started working ok. All I need to do now is work out how to get three doors to work from one lever. There are a few other scripts to try or maybe I will have to try and modify one to my needs.

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