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merchant with more mony + Legion and the rebels +achievements question


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After a few hours playing I have some important questions:


1. Is there a merchant willing to buy goodsf for more then 1000 to 1500? I have weapons and armors improved by blacksmiths and with enchantments, they are worth over 4000 - How can I sell them without losing money and without installing mods that add money? i'm sure the developers thought about it....


2. Is it possible to join the Legion and the rebels and do missions for both sides? I played a lot and so far has not chosen a side - if i join one side (say join the Legion) the other quest automatically become a failurels?


3. Is there a way to see my achievements? For instance, I already Thane in some cities - where can I find a list of all the places I'm Thane without going through all of the cities?


Thank you!

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1. I don't know of any rich merchants myself. I have heard talk that if you do the thieves guild missions enough you can get some of the fences there to have up to 4000 gold but I don't know if this is really true. The speech perks will help, the one that add 1000 gold to merchants in particular.


2. It is not possible to join both.


3. I don't think I've seen any achievements or stats for which places you're the thane of. Only achievements are in steam and the stats are all in the game menu but they don't list that particular one I don't think.

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From what I read once you have finished all thieves guild quests including "restore the guild to it's former glory" then all the fences you can sell to there will have 4000 gold. I have not finished the all the quests yet but am working my way through them, so that's why I cannot say. I have finished the main quest line for the thieves guild but you have to do many many side jobs to restore the guild.


I do know the first person you can sell to in the thieves guild only starts out with 1000 gold.

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