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ENBSeries causing Skyrim to stop working on startup


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For the past few weeks I've been having trouble getting Skyrim Legendary Edition to work. One second it was working perfectly fine, and then the next time I went back to play it it had stopped working. I tried uinstalling all of my mods, reinstalling SKSE, the works. The game would try to start, but as soon as the black box comes up, it stops responding and closes. Today, out of random curiosity, I removed the d3d9 dll from my Skyrim directory, and sure enough Skyrim started working, without ENB that is. I tried using a d3d9 dll from an older, but still recent ENB version and that didn't change the outcome. I then tried reinstalling DirectX 9.0c, but that had no effect.


So now I'm stumped as to how I can fix the problem without removing ENB entirely, and so now I am here to see if anyone else can help me sort this out. And if it helps anything, I'm running Windows 10, and I think I tried reinstalling Skyrim, but I can't remember.

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Where do you have Skyrim installed? If it's in the default, Program Files (x86) location, you will have to ensure you have all of your permissions set to Administrator or things can get wonky.


I would also go through and make sure all of your enb settings are in line. Here is a guide.


As a last resort, you could also try running the Injector version of ENB, which doesn't use the d3d9.dll

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Where do you have Skyrim installed? If it's in the default, Program Files (x86) location, you will have to ensure you have all of your permissions set to Administrator or things can get wonky.


I would also go through and make sure all of your enb settings are in line. Here is a guide.


As a last resort, you could also try running the Injector version of ENB, which doesn't use the d3d9.dll

I have Skyrim installed to a custom "Games" folder separate from the two Program Files folders. I might have to try the injector. I have the required ini settings set in both the default ini's in the Documents folder and in my MO profile folder, just to be safe.

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Problem solved. Turned out it was conflict between ENBSeries and outside programs that were all trying to hook into Skyrim. I went to the ENBSeries forums(Which I didn't realize existed.) and found a post there where someone said that other programs that hook into Skyrim could cause this problem, so I turned off both GeForce Experience and Evolve, and wouldn't ya know it the game started, though SKSE had a bit of a fit first.

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