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[LE] Elite Vigilant Armor from VIGILANT mod


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I want to turn Elite Vigilant Armor set from VIGILANT mod into standalone armor mod with separate esp. I really like the armor and it fits character I'm currently playing but I don't really want rest of the VIGILANT mod in my game right now. I have already unpacked all the required meshes from VIGILANT BSA archive and I don't really know what do now :D. I have tried to create new armor in CK and use the unpacked meshes but failed badly. Then I have read some tutorials about adding new items to the game through CK and I tried to copy entries from VIGILANT's esp file in order to get the armor working but once again with poor results. Can anyone help me out with this ? I don't want to change anything in the armor (name, values, IDs etc.) or place it somewhere in the world. I just want it to be summonable through console and temperable.



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Assuming you have all your meshes and textures in the correct place ( a meshes folder and textures folder, each inside the data folder, usually c > program files (x86) > steam > steam apps > common > skyrim > data > meshes (or textures) > armor name)... I find it easiest to open up a few of the meshes and navigate to the NiTriShape and expand it until you're at the BSShaderTextureSet. Look at the file path of the textures, then set your own textures folder up to match it. This way, the game already knows where to find the textures assigned to the mesh. If you want the file path to be different, you'll end up having to go to every mesh in the set and reassign all the textures.


Open creation kit and set your master files, usually at least Skyrim and Update.


Find an armor that covers the same areas that the meshes you want to use cover. (Ie: if it has sleeves, find a sleeved armor to use, same with pants, etc.)


Right-click and duplicate that armor. Double click the duplicate and give it a unique name. Look at the world model on the right. Click the edit button, and edit again, until you're in your file explorer, where you can choose the mesh you want to display. The world model is what will show in the inventory, usually meshes labeled GO or GND. Close the armor form, and (since you're working in your own duplicate) tell it "no" to creating another new file. This will just change the duplicate to the name you just gave it.


Once you're done that, reopen your new armor form, look down at the Armor Addon box, and check "show all." Safest bet is to take note of how many and what they're called, find them in the list and right click, duplicate the same way.

The Armor Addon (AA) box will have four edit buttons, where you will choose (in order) the male_1 model, the 1st person male_1 model, then the female _1 and the 1st person female_1, from top to bottom. Some modded armors don't have _0 and _1 models, and that's ok. Just choose the main type, body and 1st person body for each sex. If it does have _0 and _1, the game will find the _0 models if/when it needs them, as long as they're in the folder with the _1 you've selected. If you create a .bsa, don't forget to include both.


Now you've got a uniquely named AA for your armor. Ok it and (again, since you're working in a duplicate, tell it "no" so that it doesn't create yet another item.) Reopen your actual armor form and go back to the Armor Addon box, at the bottom fo the form. Delete the vanilla AAs from it. (Make sure you're in your new armor, not a vanilla armor) and then right-click to add your newly-made AAs to it. Generally speaking, body armor, boots, shields only have one. Helmets and gauntlets can have 1 to 4 each, depending on the design and which races they cover. (Ie. helmet, helmetorc, helmetarg, helmetkha). If the vanilla has more than one, you need to make more than one, even if you use the same model. The alternative is making only one and then tweaking the body slots on the AA, and in my exp., that's a royal p.i.t.a.



Since you've selected armor that covers the same body parts as the modded armor, you shouldn't have to play with the body slots. If you were trying to use a guard helmet to bring an open-faced helmet into the game, you would have to change things. Much easier, in my exp, to match armors, then just change the models.


Close the forms and save. Double check your work, ensuring that you have 1 armor form and at least one armor addon (AA) for each piece you intend to make, that each has a unique name and that it hasn't somehow replaced any of the vanilla armor in the game. Open up each AA and just look at the new model links, make sure they go to your correct meshes folder and identify the correct model. Finally, go back and make sure your armor stats, weight, armor rating, any enchantment, keywords, etc. are where you want them.


Test in game. If something is invisible, you've either forgotten a mesh, or possibly used a base that covered differently. Double check your meshes and, if it's not that, you may choose to play with the body slots, or to delete that entry and dupe/rename another piece of vanilla armor, to start that item again.


For temper, simply find an armor that requires the same items/skills to temper as you will want this to. Find the temper for that type of armor. Should be "temperarmor...(steel, iron, etc) " Right-click, duplicate, give unique name, and change the drop down box for item created, from the vanilla armor to whatever you named your new armor. I like to start every new item with my initials, so I can just click "all," type in my initials, and see every change I've made in the mod.


Hope it helps some. Good luck.

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Or you can do it the easy way:


Open the .esp with TES5Edit. Then you will see something like this (I don't have Vigilant so I just picked a different extensive quest mod).




Delete everything but "Armor", "ArmorAddon" and "Constructible Object". Then you will just have all armors and the crafting recipes for them of Vigilant. If there are more than just the armor you want you can open up the "Armor" record and delete those too if you know exactly what you're doing!


Of course you will need all meshes and textures that are assigned to the armor like mentioned before. You can then create a new archive with the edited .esp and the meshes/textures and install/uninstall it with a mod manager.

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