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Uprade Pickaxe


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Can someone please make a mod that allows you to upgrade your pickaxe like a normal weapon? I think it looks really badass when I'm fighting with my pickaxe, but it does really low damage.So maybe it could be in the iron or steel smithing category?

Would be awesome if you could enchant it too.

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Well, i don't have the time to test it but it should work (forge:Iron)




Download: http://uppit.com/leaq8gpikqh5/Pickaxe.esp


If you want to adjust the dmg (atm it is a bit better than an iron sword, you can upgrade it), open the Creation Kit, load, check SKYRIM.ESM and PICKAXE.ESP in the left window, set PICKAXE.ESP to ACTIVE FILE and press OK. In the object window check ITEMS and WEAPONS, search for PA and open it, change the dmg values in this window, press OK and SAVE.



Edited by ghosu
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