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Races Characters diversion


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What i d really love to see from a mod is the characters we create to be diferent from each other, and most important play and fell like it diferently.

When i make a wood elf ranger for example and a barbarian Nord they are exactly the same in stats. ALl start 100 stamina 100 life 100 magicka. This aint right nor realistic. Races should have different starting stats,as a hypothecial example:

Nords 120 life 100 stamina 80 magicka

Wood elfs 80 life 120 stamina 100 magicka (numbers are hypothetical)


2ndly some races should be faster than some other that are more muscular and bulkier and more agile jumping higher etc.


These are a few things i d love to see in amod and it would greately boost replayability of Skyrim at least in the case of ppl who love to create and try new different combos of races and class characters.


P.S. If there is already a mod that does these things would u be so kind to link them thnks in advance.

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