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Burn , Break and Melt


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As the title says,I'd like to request someone to make bottles of wine and mead break into pieces if thrown from higher place, in a long distance or smashed into something after picked up.Seriously,I threw an empty bottle of wine at the Throat of the World and it didn't break.And about burning,it would be cool if I was able to burn all those bounty notes with a spell or if I threw them into a fireplace,like the one in Breezhome.Also,it would be pretty awesome if I threw an empty bottle of wine or an iron mace into a forge and I would see it melt.of course,the mace would melt only partly.After you took out the mace you'd have to use the grindstone and an iron ingot to make it usable again.Make and exeption to the enchanted stuff .And also,it would be SO COOL if I could see the opponents iron armor have melted slashes because of the fire enchanted blade.




Please excuse my poor drawing.

Edited by Danidragon
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To melt a mace, have a look at Val's Crafting Meltdown Mod. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=874


I agree with you that it'd be nice to burn all those bounty notes and 0 value, 0 weight papers cluttering up my inventory. I was disappointed they wouldn't burn. Sadly, I have no idea how to go about modding such a thing.

Edited by imayb1
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