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Vigilant of Stendarr Silver Armor


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Hello there!

I'd like to request for a silver armor set for the Vigilant of Stendarr so that they aren't stuck trying to get steel gauntlets and boots to work with an unarmored robe.


(Readers: Uhhh...OP?)




(Me: No, no, no. That's not quite what I want.)


Appearance: I'd like the chest piece to be a mix between the robes all of the Vigilants wear and a cuirass of silver. This cuirass could be modeled after the Steel Plate Armor or the Iron Armor, whichever one looks better. The 'toga' these robes have would be over the plate and replace the loin-clothes that cover the fronts. while the sleeves would come out from under the plate. if the steel plate model is used, I would like the pauldrons removed. As for the pants, I'd keep them the same as their base model. Gauntlets should be the steel cuffed boots and Nordic gauntlets just retextured for silver and in the case of the gauntlets, they should be made just a little bit shorter so they don't clip through the sleeves. I would also say that the Steel Plate model is acceptable, but not preferred unless there was a way to stop the clipping with the sleeves (a pet peeve of mine).


Stats: In my mind, I think this armor should not be very strong at all. It should not be craftable and should not benefit from any smithing perks. Let me explain.


Looking at the state of Silver weaponry in the base game, they are literally the same as Steel Weaponry except for two base details - they have bonus damage against undead (and lycanthropes, if you've got the unofficial patch) and they are really, really light.


Both of these are awesome, and I think we should let the armor match the trend. But since Wolf Armor is essentially the same as Steel Armor but really light, I think we should knock down this hypothetical silver armor so that it's the same armor value as Iron, just a lot lighter. As for the 'strong against undead', I think it should do a small amount of damage to undead or daedra who hit the player rather than providing a defense boost.


Anyway, everyone let me know what you guys think, I hope this interests one of you enough to make it. I'm hopeless at actually making my own mods, hence why I'm asking the great creators on this board.


(For those of you curious as to how my Vigilant of Stendarr playthrough is going, I use a shield which greatly improves survivability. This is mostly for lore/immersion reasons if I were honest with you.)


P.S: Also a more feral, savage version that would look more at home on a member of the Silver Hand than a Vigilant of Stendarr might be pretty cool - that was if the Vigilant get the model based on 'Steel Plate', the silver hand could get the 'Iron Plate' one instead...that's just me thinking.

Edited by Fulcon
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