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noob question -> How to make a bed give well rested bonus?


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  • 3 months later...

yep all sorted.. i now get well rested bonus.. however the well rested dialogue doesn't appear, but it does show up in active effects.. i'll settle for that!


Thx all :thumbsup:



I'm having the same problem and have yet to find anything on google, youtube, the wiki and aside from this forum post, here. Making a mod for the first time is a pain in the butt haha. Anyone know what else I can do to make this work? I've tried everything in this thread and the well rested bonus still doesn't show up :/

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wish I had seen this before. You need the line:


; debug.trace(Self + "Giving player the Well Rested spell for sleeping in Player House")

Game.GetPlayer().AddSpell(WellRested, abVerbose = False)


after registering for event onsleepstop.

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  • 2 months later...

Thanks for posting the answers, links, etc. I'm set!


The key is certainly to create a location. As it was mentioned, if the bed is just set as "PlayerBedFaction" that won't give the well-rested perk. However, as some of you are experiencing, even after setting up my home locations (exterior and interior) I no longer get any kind of message at the top of the screen. No "you are well-rested" nor "you are rested". Out of curiosity, I went back to a game save where I was "tired", went to Breezehome and slept for several hours and didn't see the well-rested message at the top of the screen either.


What's important is that when sleeping in my mod house bed, "well rested" appears in my active effects. Very cool.

Edited by Ahondara
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