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Modded/ENB Lower FPS on one save (37fps), but normal FPS (60fps) on another


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So I have my game totally set up with mostly Texture mods. I'm also using ENB. I had some stuttering issues so I installed NVSR and later fiddled with enblocal.ini, Fallout.ini, and falloutprefs.ini based on other people's suggestions to try and limit it. The weird thing is that now on my regular save file, I'm getting ~30-37 fps (I WAS getting 60fps). I disabled all plugins and enb, lowered resolution significantly and nothing gives me more than 40fps on that save.


So I made another save file and ran around the Goodsprings area and I get 60fps on that save file with everything enabled. I can't for the life of me figure out what would cause such an FPS drop between saves with everything else the same.


I'm running on Win 10 with a i5-6600K and a GTX 1070.


Any help is greatly appreciated!

Edited by Malrakh
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Were you getting the FPS drop in Goodsprings in the first save file? If not, have you tried testing in the same area of the drop with your test save file? More than likely there is something in that area that is causing the drop (FPS will vary widely in various areas of the world). Otherwise, chalk it up to something that got embedded into that save. Just one reason why we say you need to test everything before playing in earnest.


Aside from that: Be aware that Win 10 has (last I knew) a limitation on how much video memory it would use, regardless of how much was on the video card. Please see "Cause-2" in the 'Issue: Pink Screen or textures' entry in the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide.


You might want to also see the 'Towards Game stability' section of the wiki "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article.


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No FPS drops in Goodsprings on the new save, but YES drops in Goodsprings on the current save. I also tested both saves in different areas and the difference in FPS was still there so it can't be location related. So I rolled back to a previous save (about 2 hours gameplay before) and I'm back to 60fps in the same in-game locations without touching any mods or .ini settings. At least I only lost a couple of hours.


The stuttering is brutal though....GPU-Z is only showing 2gb as used memory which also sucks...I really don't want to dual-boot into Windows 7 but that's looking to be my only option. It seems that the VRAM limit on DX9 in Windows 10 was fixed on recent insider builds (https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/5825812-dx9-vram-has-been-fixed/). Who knows how long this will take to reach official release, though. I'm hesitant to jump to insider builds of Windows 10 for fear of causing other problems.


Thanks for the help.

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Thanks for the link. According to that and other sources, that fix will be in the Fall 2017 "Creator's Update" to Win 10. There is also a tweak that needs to be made to tell ENBlocal.ini how much "new" VRAM it should be using.


And yes, it pays to be cautious unless you are prepared to deal with likely problems. The "Insider Program" is basically a "beta test group".



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UPDATE: WOOOO!!! Found my issue! Apparently Project Reality was the culprit. I don't know the specifics of why it was only causing problems after about 8 hours of game time but the fix is this: Go into MCM under Project Reality and enable all of the options, then exit out of the menu and wait a few seconds, finally open up MCM again and disable all the options in Project Reality. BAM! Back to 60 FPS.

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