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How do I tell an NPC to go to sleep?


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Is there a way I can force an NPC to go to sleep RITE NOAW instead of waiting until the next night? I'm mainly trying to avoid having to break into his house or else sit in it invisible for hours. This would massively speed up vampire testing, and enable a cool new vampire spell as well.


The papyrus command Actor.Sleep(bed) does exist, but it requires a bed. I want to do this on any NPC.

Edited by EnaiSiaion
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Is there a way I can force an NPC to go to sleep RITE NOAW instead of waiting until the next night? I'm mainly trying to avoid having to break into his house or else sit in it invisible for hours. This would massively speed up vampire testing, and enable a cool new vampire spell as well.


The papyrus command Actor.Sleep(bed) does exist, but it requires a bed. I want to do this on any NPC.


Easy! Take a heavy object, and swing it at their head. Instant KO!


Totally joking of course.

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Is there a way I can force an NPC to go to sleep RITE NOAW instead of waiting until the next night? I'm mainly trying to avoid having to break into his house or else sit in it invisible for hours. This would massively speed up vampire testing, and enable a cool new vampire spell as well.


The papyrus command Actor.Sleep(bed) does exist, but it requires a bed. I want to do this on any NPC.




Working on a vampire mod here as well. Best thing I can suggest is creating a duplicate of a bed roll that has a transparent texture. Create a spell with a scripted magic effect that a) calls Target.PlaceAtMe(InvisibleBedRoll) then b) Target.Sleep(InvisibleBedRollReference) and move on from there. As long as the effect remains active, you can dynamically intercept the players OnSleepStop event in the magiceffect script and then call InvisibleBedRollReference.Delete() to remove the invisible bed roll from the cell.


What happens and how to clean up if you move out of the cell is a little beyond me at this moment.



...and .Sleep() exists? I don't see it on the wiki, but I'll take you're word for it. I found a few things documented on the script objects themselves that weren't covered in the main reference page. If it does, that certainly gives me an idea too.



Edited by MofoMojo
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