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Creation Kit hates me editing dialogue


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Got a major issue with the Creation Kit.


Already hated the CK due to the fact it's near impossible to move a lot of stuff precisely because they all have invisible models attached to them, it seems. The move/rotate/scale gizmo seems to think a lot of models are miles away from where they actually are.


But now, it's really pushing me to the edge of my nerves.


I was just trying to edit dialogue in order to add some scripts to a vanilla quest.


I clicked 'Move to Branch' so that I could add a topic.


Then BAM, instant crash. No explanation as to why. The CK just crashed as soon as I tried to move to a branch in dialogue.


Any chance anyone knows the cause/solution?

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Sorry I don't know the solution but hopefully someone else does so helping you by bumping this :)


Maybe it is a bug in the CK. There are so many problems with the dialogue system, whenever I use it there is always a waiting time for everything to load.

The system is supposed to be improved for Skyrim but it sure doesn't seem like that.

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Sorry I don't know the solution but hopefully someone else does so helping you by bumping this :)


Maybe it is a bug in the CK. There are so many problems with the dialogue system, whenever I use it there is always a waiting time for everything to load.

The system is supposed to be improved for Skyrim but it sure doesn't seem like that.


Improved? As in, more broken features, or as in easier to work with and better optomized? :rolleyes:




I don't know if it will help, but try moving the render window around before opening the dialogue system. Funnily enough, moving the render window about before doing something allows me to do it, such as generating LOD.

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The CK takes a lot more memory and processor power than the CS, and has longer load times. I think that just as you need a really powerful computer to play Skyrim, you need a really powerful computer to run the CK.


I had to upgrade my computer to play Skyrim. The CK is quite stable for me. More stable than the CS was. The CK does not crash on my machine at the point you are talking about.

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Got a major issue with the Creation Kit.


Already hated the CK due to the fact it's near impossible to move a lot of stuff precisely because they all have invisible models attached to them, it seems.

Looks like you have grid snap set too high. A high number like 128 is fine for placing walls and such. When it come to move smaller items, you need to change it to something like 8 or 4,...or turn it off completely.


The move/rotate/scale gizmo seems to think a lot of models are miles away from where they actually are.


Just turn them off. Press 2 or W (depending which is active) and use the mouse and keyboard instead. a lot easier.

I only find the gizmos useful for making roombounds and portals.

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