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thinking of trying survival, help...


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ive never tried the survival mode, ive always been a huge fan of exploring and crafting settlements now im getting a hankering for some nitty gritty survival tactics.

whats everyones views on survival mode and any top mods to make the experience better??


thanks all,


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Enable console mod. Enable quick-save mod. Change time-scale to at least 12 so you are not constantly having to eat or drink. If you buff enemies, then you will want to buff friendly factions as well. Invest in the chem perk to make refreshing beverages instead of using Rad-away or download BYOP for the showers. Download Settlement Attacks Beyond or you might get Raiders or SM right on top of you when in a settlement. Do NOT give companions or settlers GRENADES!!! Oh, and vehicles are giant land mines! :happy:

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Vehicles: I look for the explodey ones, and shoot them from a distance, otherwise then tend to get blowed up when I'm beside them.

(I don't play in survival mode, but the sentiment is the same. Those things HURT! Oh, and wait a bit after it goes boom, for the radiation to fall off)

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Survival Options Mod,


That and the one that activates console commands are essential for modded playthroughs in Survival mode.

There are just going to be times when you need to do things and normal survival wont let you such as save the game and walk away from the computer.

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