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[REL] Fore's New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS V1.0


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I realize that most already know how to work with this but I wanted to check if everyone here is using this method...


Find the animation you want to find out about.

- e.g. you wanted to know about the HugA...


searching for it in the behavior files will bring you to the 0_master file.


searching the ID (#0537) from it's "hkbClipGenerator" will bring you to "<hkparam name="pClipGenerator">#0537</hkparam>".


this parameter is within the object "<hkobject name="#0536" class="BSSynchronizedClipGenerator" signature="0xd83bea64">"

which looks like this:

		<hkobject name="#0536" class="BSSynchronizedClipGenerator" signature="0xd83bea64">
		<hkparam name="variableBindingSet">null</hkparam>
		<hkparam name="userData">0</hkparam>
		<hkparam name="name">HugA</hkparam>
		<hkparam name="pClipGenerator">#0537</hkparam>
		<hkparam name="SyncAnimPrefix">2_</hkparam>
		<hkparam name="bSyncClipIgnoreMarkPlacement">false</hkparam>
		<hkparam name="fGetToMarkTime">0.000000</hkparam>
		<hkparam name="fMarkErrorThreshold">0.100000</hkparam>
		<hkparam name="bLeadCharacter">true</hkparam>
		<hkparam name="bReorientSupportChar">true</hkparam>
		<hkparam name="bApplyMotionFromRoot">false</hkparam>
		<hkparam name="sAnimationBindingIndex">-1</hkparam>


Hopefully someone will gets this mess sorted out with a handy tool soon... =)

Edited by deedes
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No, the problem is not something like a CRC check.


You need to keep defaultfemale.hkx and defaultmale.hkx in sync. As soon as the they have different numnber of files, and maybe different names of the files, everything seems to break. Always change them in parallel.

When you say "in sync", how do I know if they're in sync?


For example, let's say I changed the 1KiB defaultfemale.hkx to 1234567female.hkx, do I have to rename the defaultmale.hkx to 1234567male.hkx too?


And what about the parameters in them? In your "easy" way, you changed it from defaultfemale.hkx to MyDefltFemale.hkx (the 80KiB one), do I have to make it MyDefltMale.hkx too?



I did try that once, and for 1hm_attackright there is this "playback speed" tag. I altered it from 1.000000 to 2.000000. Nothing happens. It is in 1hm_behavior IIRC, for some reason 0_master.hkx have mostly dual wield related stuff


As for the other tags, I literally don't know what the heck they're supposed to mean. Tried to google the whole phrase, but no luck, so I left 'em alone



do the "signature" part mean anything? It looks like ARGB hex variable to my eye.

Edited by Raestloz
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xml editor released strongly updated by request a lot of new features such as save the edited treview wich will alow u to edit existing behavior.

search function has been strongly updated to be able to find reference connections event and much more, everything and where and wich node is connected to what.


also implemented to be able to find connected behavior files in same folder, and much more



Edited by theru
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theru, I installed your new mod, and played a little bit. But I'm somehow at a loss how to use it.


First, the find button results in an endledd loop in most cases, like when I selecct an object class.


Then I would expect to see some more information when I look atz the left upper window, which btw is much too small. Havin to hover the mouse is not much help.


I had also expected some reaction when I press an element, like going to the referenced location. Or navigating to that place in the lower window.


I think it would really help to have some sort of a use case to see how you envision this tool's use.

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theru, I installed your new mod, and played a little bit. But I'm somehow at a loss how to use it.


First, the find button results in an endledd loop in most cases, like when I selecct an object class.


Then I would expect to see some more information when I look atz the left upper window, which btw is much too small. Havin to hover the mouse is not much help.


I had also expected some reaction when I press an element, like going to the referenced location. Or navigating to that place in the lower window.


I think it would really help to have some sort of a use case to see how you envision this tool's use.


ok, ill put up a video, its very simple, its like click away and your done

ive notised some bugs im gonna fix this and add few more options but now im going to bed ,i release the fixed app tomorrow

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When you say "in sync", how do I know if they're in sync?


For example, let's say I changed the 1KiB defaultfemale.hkx to 1234567female.hkx, do I have to rename the defaultmale.hkx to 1234567male.hkx too?


And what about the parameters in them? In your "easy" way, you changed it from defaultfemale.hkx to MyDefltFemale.hkx (the 80KiB one), do I have to make it MyDefltMale.hkx too?

"In sync" means you have to do the same changes in both (big) female/male files, except for the female/male folder names. Behavior files don't distinguish between male and female animation, so this female/male folder distinguishing must be hard-coded, or some parameter outside the behaviors.


There is also an effect I found out when I developed this file replacement method.It was sufficient for that purpose to change the file names in the big female/male files, although the behavior files include the animation path and file name as well, but those names were not needed to be changed. So there has to be some sort of indexing involved, which quite honestly I don't understand.


So if you add a file, the file (or the female/male pair) have ho be at the same index in both default files. And I would assume, their names have to be the same (with the possible difference in the male/female path)



I did try that once, and for 1hm_attackright there is this "playback speed" tag. I altered it from 1.000000 to 2.000000. Nothing happens. It is in 1hm_behavior IIRC, for some reason 0_master.hkx have mostly dual wield related stuff

I don't think "playback speed" is a relative playback speed. If you seach for "playback speed" (btw, TextCrawler is a very helpful tool there), then you will only find the following values:

0.1, 1.0, 1.5, 1.75, 10 (plus 2 values approx. 0.3 and 0.7)

The spread betwen 0.1 and 10.0 doesnn't really look like actual speed. Why don't you try 10.0?

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When you say "in sync", how do I know if they're in sync?


For example, let's say I changed the 1KiB defaultfemale.hkx to 1234567female.hkx, do I have to rename the defaultmale.hkx to 1234567male.hkx too?


And what about the parameters in them? In your "easy" way, you changed it from defaultfemale.hkx to MyDefltFemale.hkx (the 80KiB one), do I have to make it MyDefltMale.hkx too?

"In sync" means you have to do the same changes in both (big) female/male files, except for the female/male folder names. Behavior files don't distinguish between male and female animation, so this female/male folder distinguishing must be hard-coded, or some parameter outside the behaviors.


There is also an effect I found out when I developed this file replacement method.It was sufficient for that purpose to change the file names in the big female/male files, although the behavior files include the animation path and file name as well, but those names were not needed to be changed. So there has to be some sort of indexing involved, which quite honestly I don't understand.


So if you add a file, the file (or the female/male pair) have ho be at the same index in both default files. And I would assume, their names have to be the same (with the possible difference in the male/female path)



I did try that once, and for 1hm_attackright there is this "playback speed" tag. I altered it from 1.000000 to 2.000000. Nothing happens. It is in 1hm_behavior IIRC, for some reason 0_master.hkx have mostly dual wield related stuff

I don't think "playback speed" is a relative playback speed. If you seach for "playback speed" (btw, TextCrawler is a very helpful tool there), then you will only find the following values:

0.1, 1.0, 1.5, 1.75, 10 (plus 2 values approx. 0.3 and 0.7)

The spread betwen 0.1 and 10.0 doesnn't really look like actual speed. Why don't you try 10.0?


hmmm... so, in your example of "easy" way, you changed the mt_idle.hkx to my_idle.hkx. So I have to change the mt_idle.hkx in defaultmale to my_idle.hkx too?


The difference between 1.0 to 10 does make it look less like 1-10 scale, but I can't think of anything other than a regular scaling.

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For those interested in understanding behavior files:


I have uploaded the Skyrim V1.5 behavior files in a "CONDENSED" form:

  1. Less important elements, or elements with null values are mostly removed
  2. the elements are sorted to the oder of the appearance in the respective root node
  3. the elements are indented according to their nesting level
  4. event and variable ids are lised with their symbolic names

This will make it much easier for you to understand the xml definition hierarchy.

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