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A bard system similar to skyrim in Fallout 4?


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I've looked all over, and all I found was this guitar mod here: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/23686/?

Basically, I wanted to be able to assign my npcs to be a "bard" of sorts at all the bars that I created in the commonwealth. So I looked all over for a mod that would do that, but I couldn't find anything.


I was thinking that there should be a furniture spot where there's a stool with a guitar propped up next to it. And if I assigned a settler to it then the settler would pick up the guitar, sit on the stool, and start playing.


Then the npcs around the settler would visibly react to the song, like they do in skyrim. That part might be too much for modders though... I'd be just be happy with the animation spot itself.

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That comes close, but I guess you missed the part where I said that I wanted them to be playing a guitar. :dry:


I didn't, just don't care. You can take that or take none. I don't even think there's a guitar animation in the game.

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So? There's plenty of people who made entirely new animations for fallout 4. like with all the dancing spots. :wink:


So you should just stop being such a negative nelly.


Those were mostly in the game already.

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