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Enchant Enchanted Weapons / Armor, etc.


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Hey, I've been looking for a mod that allows me to enchant already enchanted weapons and armor. For example, I wanna add another enchant to Auriel's Bow and my Thieves Guild armor, and some of my follower's items. I've been looking all over, and all I can find is tons of mods that allow you to enchant non-enchanted item with hundreds or infinite enchants, but I need one that can enchant enchanted items. If you know of one, or if you're a mod maker yourself, please help me out. It would be very useful to me, and it would help me out a lot.



I've seen mods that can remove artifact enchantments as well, but I can't seem to find what I'm looking for.


Thanks for you time. I hope you help a fellow Khajiit out. <3

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