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vault domsestic corners with doorways


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hi there. I'm having hard time finding a mod which provide a vault domestic prefab corner with doorway.

but maybe there is any. i'm talking about the domestic and utility corridors provided within the vault-tec dlc.


as so far i only found mods that provide more rooms and more room corners but both don't provide upon specific piece.


anybody knows about a mod that provides such thing i just unhappily missed or some modder got interested in building it?

Edited by maverikch
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I found this video online the shows every single piece for building rooms, the pieces you're looking for are not in the domestic or utility sections but are included in other sections listed as common. Watch the video to see what I mean. I believe that common and domestic pieces work together. https://youtu.be/FTB9_rbXRGk . I hope this helps.

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