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Reading books passes time


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I usually try to keep the immersion as deep as possible when playing this game and therefore make use of several food/sleep mods, a camping mod, realistic lighting (so I can't see in the dark and am forced to sleep till the morning comes) among others. The thing is when I am at the period of time between 6 or 7-ish PM it's just not late enough for me to sleep (since I'd be forced to sleep for like 10-12 hours to see the light of day) and its too late for travelling/questing, that's why I'd like to pass the time doing something, that and I love reading up on the lore in Skyrim especially the novels and historical books in-game. That is why I would like to have a mod that un-pauses the game, if you will, while I read a book so it gets late and I am able to sleep instead of having to read a book then fast forward an hour or two.


Can anyone help me with that or point me to some mod that does it already (if it exists)?



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I am also interested in this for the same reason. It would be so nice to just be able to pass a couple of in game hours while looking through the books I have accumulated through my travels.


Would anyone please be interested in making this?

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